When spiders come out to play…

Why is it that when you’re home alone spiders come out to play, staring at you from the corner of the ceiling looking as if they own the place.

Seriously what is this? Do they sense that I am pathetically feeble and so can’t do anything about them. Apart from subconsciously staring at them whilst pretending to read a book or watch tv, with growing panic and apprehension when I realise they are slowly inching their way across the ceiling to the patch directly above my head because of course that is the best patch of the ceiling.

The thing is you can’t help but stare at them, the minute you take your eyes off of them they disappear. Cue frantic patting down of hair and clothes to ensure that they are not on you even though this defies logic as only a few seconds ago they were 4 feet away and so unless they have powers that rival spider man there is no way they could jump onto you from across the room. That doesn’t stop me from clawing at my clothes and hair to check that they definitely are not there. After all they have 8 legs so who really knows what spiders can do. Apart from a large proportion of the scientific community as well as those who unlike me possess common sense.

And so that ends my conspiracy musing/rant of the week.
Hopefully you have a wonderful spider free week…unless you’re into that, then have fun playing with one of the most feared insects in the world, I’m sure it’s a really good conversation starter and goes down well with the ladies.